Become a Member
Unlock exclusive benefits by joining our membership program! Enjoy a range of perks designed to enhance your experience and provide exceptional value.
Exclusive Membership Benefits
10% Off All Services
Save on every service we offer with an exclusive 10% discount for members. Whether you need a quick repair or a major project, you’ll enjoy great value on all our handyman and renovation services.
Priority Scheduling
As a member, you’ll skip the line with priority access to our scheduling. Choose the appointment times that work best for you without the long wait.
1 FREE* Service a Year
To show our appreciation, members receive 1 complimentary service annually. This includes any eligible service, for up to two hours of work. It’s our way of saying thanks for your continued trust.
Membership Details:
Cost: Just $49.95 per month
Commitment: Minimum of 3 months, then you can cancel anytime
Take advantage of these incredible benefits and elevate your experience with us. Sign up today!
We’re happy to answer any concerns you might have.